
Travel Cycle Video Flash Back
May 21, 2008, 12:23 pm
Filed under: amsterdamize, my bike, travel, video | Tags: , , , ,

When I lived in NYC back in the day, I tried to bike as much as was humanly possible (sans helmet :)), but back then there were no handy little camera’s to shoot video. Years later I returned to one of my favorite cities, San Francisco, at a time when there WERE ample means to do so (however crappy the quality).

Riding your bike in SF can be challenging (no real bike lanes, hills, etc), but other aspects of this great city made up for that. Examples:

Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge
“Dec 28 started stormy, but it cleared up in the afternoon. So an excellent opportunity for a bike trip accross the Golden Gate Bridge, vlog style. No one got hurt during this recording.”

Turning right off GGB, speeding down to Sausalito
“After getting off the Golden Gate Bridge we turned right, and followed the way down to Sausalito. Obviously I had to brake occasionally, as I was holding the camera.”

Riding down North Point
“As I have done this in Amsterdam many times, I thought I’d give it a try in SF. Going down North Point. Lucky to have hit green lights..mostly.”

I’ve put those three recordings in one single video: